Tuesday 7 December 2010

Critical Studies- Compare two animtion genres

For this study i chose two Daffy Duck cartoons to compare because i could easily distinguish between the conventions that belong to the genre and typical behaviours of the character.
War genre conventions


Text- Title appears in bold, 'Areal Black' font, large white letters stands out clearly against dark blue background, connection to how search lights looked for planes during the war.
Character reads a letter in which the German is written in old fashioned writing where as English is clear, like text from a type writer which would have been seen as up to date and professional during the time the animation was released.

Dark colours like black and blue are used for the background, burst of light create new shadows, aggressive actions by German Sargent towards his solider, a lot of it to do with propaganda. Precise movements- marching instead of walking, explosions, shooting, crashing.

Mise-en-scene- weapons, army uniform and helmets, country flag, rubble, search lights, para-shoot, bombs, machine gun, wire fence, cannon

Location – underground shelter in war ground.

Sound and Music- National Anthem type trumpet in the beginning, tune of (honour and pride).
Sounds are loud and mimic that of weapons firing/drum roll herd when army marches. Planes over head. German language, English language. 'Hail Hitler'

Use of cell animation as Daffy hits Hitler with a hammer in the end.

Super-Hero genre conventions


Opening Title- Bright spark zooming around in night sky before title appears. Typical line ' up there in the say, its a bird, its a plane...' title appears in sparkling golden 'comic sans' font. (no logo)

Story- Hero floats proudly in the sky while voice over introduces him (sparkling) mimics title.

Hero visits multiple locations to solve crime, typical double life as news reporter. City scape, sea scape.

Normal life mise-en-scene-Office, type writer, glasses, pills and drinking fountain.
Super Hero life mies-en -scene- Blue and red colours in costume like superman, talks to camera, says his catchphrase b4 attempting rescue, cape, shoulder pads.

Music and Sound- music that builds excitement, high notes. Explosions, alarms, flying in the sky. screaming

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