Here is the script I had to work with :
-At the start of the 18th century, printing in England sunk to a
low ebb.
-Everything from public prints to
lecturing Bibles were shabbily produced, using battered old types.
-Not for nothing was English printing
known as no more than ‘brown sheets and sorry letters’.
-It was left to providence and Caslon to
avert a typographic disaster.
I storyboarded this idea for my script:
I then created the following characters which I scanned in and created final copies off in Flash:

I thought this would be a brilliant oppertunity for me to start to learn flsh as it is a programme Ive been wanting to learn for a while. I used some shape tweens and hints to make this project happen and then composited the videos on After Effects.
Here is the Final video, I think its a great start to Flash for me:
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