Monday 26 November 2012

Augmented Reality (guide dogs for the blind)

This was a project done for an advertising university group who were creating a campaign to spread the message about guide dogs for the blind. The image I created, according to their brief shows how scary the world can be for blind people.

Since the project was only for university I was comfortable using images from Google. I took two pairs of cats eyes and masked them in different ways to make them into six different pairs. I then created a mouth for each tree using the cracks and crevices already in the tree as guides to make the mouth opening look realistic. I was going to use the bear and lion as reference to create sharp jagged edges.
The day to night conversion of the image took some time to perfect because the sky is very bright, so I had to create multiple masks to get the colour just right. I added a slight glow around the faces on the trees which compliments the glowing eyes. The stock footage smoke helps create some depth in the image.

Here is the final:

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