Friday 28 September 2012

Video Proposal

So I was asked to remake the proposal for my project in video. And I decided to have a go at Colour Keying with a home made green screen. I learnt how difficult it is to get this trick to look good, and its all in the production, not post-production! I'm really happy I did this because I learnt a lot of simple things from it.
1. Any shadow made on the Green screen will be very difficult to key out, so it has to be flat.
2. Don't stand right in front of the screen, give it enough space so you can shine a light on the screen and then stand in front of that.
3. Next, don t forget to light the subject. In my work here I was in a grim car park so not much light was needed.
I tried to get a piece of cloth from the silk store to use as a green screen and this time it just about did the job, I plan on getting some wood panels to keep the fabric tort. this will give me a more even surface to work with.
Before starting the video I went out to take some reference pics for the actual project I'm going to work on, so these images may creep up again in the final video.

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